Sklarin Law, LLC has extensive experience litigating cases throughout the courts of both New Jersey and New York. Sklarin Law, LLC handles all matters in the civil litigation arena including personal injury, employment, contract disputes, insurance issues, and landlord-tenant matters. We have represented both individuals and business entities, whether as plaintiffs or defendants, in a vast variety of matters, and are therefore able to bring a unique perspective to your case.
Here at Sklarin Law, LLC we pride ourselves on personalized, dedicated, and aggressive representation of our clients. We maintain constant communication with our clients to ensure that they are fully informed regarding their legal options and case status. It is important that we not only work hard to ensure your rights are protected, but also that we work efficiently to protect your wallet.
If you are facing a legal hurdle or dispute, Sklarin Law, LLC can help. Please contact us so that we can protect you.
ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. This website does not provide legal advice and is written purely for informational purposes. The information provided in this website does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sklarin Law, L.L.C., its attorneys or clients. This website does not constitute legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for obtaining actual legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your State (particular laws vary by State). Past results are not indicative of future results. We cannot and will not give you specific advice on your case unless you retain an attorney at our firm.
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